December 28, 2001
Uploaded a new drawing (KOF fanart), you can go check it out in the Drawings section. ^_^ --Ghost
December 20, 2001
It's christmas vacation time! Guess that means I'll be able to update my webpage more often, anyways this update I added a couple of new drawings in the Drawings section, and aac has a new fanart over at the Guest Art section. Also if you haven't noticed I added an email forward in the Text/Writings section, namely one on famous quotes. I also uploaded a copy of the Kawaks emulator (version 1.38) and the NeoGeo BIOS file which you can find at the Stored Files section. And before I forget... advanced merry christmas to all! ^^ --Ghost
FOLLOW-UP UPDATE: (Dec. 22, 24)
Uploaded a colored version of one of my drawings, namely the one of Iori with Kairi, and uploaded a new Iori sketch ^_^
December 7, 2001
Uploaded some new stuff over at the Text/Writings section. Included in the upload are 9 lyrics of Japanese songs, 4 lyrics of English songs, a couple of interesting things to read and some crappy poems by me. :P --Ghost
Added some new stuff at the Stored Files section, namely some old reports and a steam table program I found on the net. Also, uploaded 3 new poems by Glock up in the Text/Writings section and there's a new drawing up at the Drawings section ^_^
November 19, 2001
New FF8 fanart by aac in the Guest Art section ^^ --Ghost
November 7, 2001
Haven't been drawing much lately, but I have a couple of new stuff up today at the Drawings page. One of them's not exactly "new" (iorikai-bw.jpg) I was thinking of coloring it first before putting it up but since it's taking a while I decided to put up the bw version. ^_^ That's it! --Ghost
October 27, 2001
AAC has a couple of new art in her gallery in the Guest Art page, it's her own KOF female team in a "heaven and hell" theme. Also, I have a couple of new stuff up at the Drawings page (hmm... haven't drawn for a while huhuhu). That's bout it for this update! --Ghost
October 19, 2001
Check out aac's new "swimsuit" works up over at the Guest Art page! 3 new drawings, all KOF fanart. You won't be disappointed. ;) --Ghost
October 12, 2001
There are a bunch of new drawings in the Guest Art section: one by Pyxis and 4 by a new CTS guest artist, Onslaught. Onslaught's style is more like the cute anime style, which is rather different from the styles of the current artists in CTS. Go check them out! ^_^ --Ghost
October 5, 2001
There's 3 new fan artworks by aac in the Guest Art section, and a new drawing of mine in the Drawings section. And guess what? They're all KOF fanart! Hope you enjoy them... ^^ --Ghost
Put up a couple more fanarts by aac in the Guest Art section. They're Final Fantasy fanarts, quite cute so go check them out! ^_^
September 21, 2001
There's a bunch of new fan art up at the Guest Art section by our artist/composer ako_ay_cute, two are FF8 fanarts and the other two are KOF 98 fanarts. I resampled the black and white ones to a smaller size so they'd be easier to see... hope aac doesn't mind. ^^; Anyways go check them out! ^^ --Ghost
Added a new drawing to the Drawings section, just finished coloring it last night ^_^
September 16, 2001
School's going to start again tomorrow, so I thought I'd upload some new drawings today. Anyways I have some new stuff up at the Drawings page, take a look! ^_^ --Ghost
September 8, 2001
Finals are finally over so I can update again! ^_^ I have a couple new drawings in the Drawings section, and aac has a new fanart which you can check out at the Guest Art section. By the way, I moved the Guest Art section up, so now you can access it from the sidebar. ^_^ --Ghost
August 28, 2001
Just a small update, added a couple of new fanart in the Drawings section. And as usual, they're both Kairi. That's bout it! ^_^ --Ghost
August 23, 2001
I changed the Drawings page a bit, now there's a sub-section entitled Guest Art under Drawings. ako_ay_cute has 3 new drawings up, including a fanart of Rinoa. Go and take a look! ^_^ --Ghost
August 19, 2001
Our own talented ringtone composer is also a talented artist! 3 of ako_ay_cute's drawings are up at the Drawings page, so check them out! ^_^ --Ghost
August 11, 2001
Updates a-plenty today. There are 2 new song lyrics added in the text/writings section courtesy of nadesico, plus a whole new CTS Feature. I also added some drawings in the Drawings page, while cycling out some old ones, too. I fixed up the Old Art page (I placed the drawings cycled from CTS under a new heading), and I added... a guestbook! ^_^ That's about it! --Ghost
August 9, 2001
Quick update: You can now access the Ringtones page through the sidebar, under Special. I also revamped the ringtones page for easier viewing. ^_^ --Ghost
August 6, 2001
Quick update: just fixed up the Text/Writings page and added that pic you see above. ^_^ --Ghost
The Ringtones page has been updated with 26 new ringtones, courtesy of our talented ringtone composer, ako_ay_cute. ^_^ Also, there's a new guest artwork at the Drawings page, as well as a new strip by Pyxis in Comics. Enjoy this update! ^_^ --Ghost
August 4, 2001
I put up 4 "new" works on the drawings page, 2 of them are cg's of previous drawings and the other 2 are the original and cg versions of a new drawing. The new drawing sucks though. I left the red "new" marker on the 2 drawings from last update, in case you guys haven't seen it yet. Other than that, I now have a pic in the About Ghost section... of course, it isn't really the kind of pic you're expecting... but anyways, it gives a bit of class to the page. :P --Ghost
August 1, 2001
Just a couple of new drawings this update, have been quite busy with all the exams coming our way. That plus I had a lot of stuff to do namely fixing my schedule for next term and stuff. Oh well... anyways, just one more thing: "Good Coffee Smile!" :P --Ghost
July 26, 2001
Pyxis has her own mini-comic series up at the comics section titled Kit-Cat. It has the same characters as the Ghost and Trask series of strips, but drawn in a slightly different style. Additionally, there are 5 new Ghost and Trask strips plus a new CATastrophe strip. Enjoy the update! ^_^ --Ghost
July 18, 2001
There's a new section up for those Nokia phone lovers... go to the Ringtones section for Jpop tunes! ^_^ There are also 3 new CATstrophe strips up at the comics section. And another thing, I changed some of the pages namely the Misc. Info page and the Quick Fixes. There isn't anything in the latter anymore, its been moved to the Misc. Info section. Anyways, just go and check the new stuff out! ^_^ --Ghost
July 8, 2001
Pretty large update today. First of all, I changed the front page, though it loads slower >_< at least it looks a bit less plain than the old index page. Also, I created a new page within Drawings... this section will contain all those little strips and, if any, some comics too. You can visit it by clicking on Drawings, then clicking on the new link (comics) that appears under it. Or just click here.
Speaking of drawings, there's a bunch of new ones uploaded, and I also cycled out some of the drawings from last year. You can still see them in the Old Art page. I guess that's about it... and another thing, the guest artist known as Kat is now known as Pyxis. That's all! ^_^ --Ghost
June 30, 2001
The files in the CTS Feature section are now uploaded! If you're planning on downloading it, I suggest you read the instructions first. That's it for now! ^_^ --Ghost
June 21, 2001
Finally got to upload the page! ^_^ I wasn't able to upload the featured mp3 yet, namely because the upload keeps stalling. I might have to upload the file in 2 parts. Anyways, enjoy the new site! ^_^ --Ghost
May 18, 2001
I moved some drawings from the Drawings page onto the Old Art page. I've been wanting to scan some new drawings of mine, there's around 4 of them I think... but our computer with the scanner's not plugged in so I can't use it. :\ Oh well, maybe next time I guess. --Ghost
May 11, 2001
I added some new text files to the site, and did a whole shitload of fixing on the Writings page. Now the page has text files as well as my old crap work, new additions include email forwards (yehey!), miscellaneous text files, and obscure song lyrics. It may sound like a lot, but it's not. Just check it out yourself! :P --Ghost
May 7, 2001
Just finished typing up some poems and a mini-essay, I placed it under the "Writings" section. I admit I don't write poems that well, but at least it's from the heart. Almost. ^_^ --Ghost
May 4, 2001
I fixed up the sidebar a bit, so now you can see the different items separated under headings. Plus, there's a new section up called "CTS Features" which... well... features stuff. The feature right now is the song "Stain of Mind" by Slayer. That's about it! ^_^ --Ghost
April 30, 2001
I fixed up the files in the Stored Files section, and the icons are now separated by category. There's also a couple of new drawings in the Drawings section as well as 3 new Ghost and Trask strips. Updates during this date are in green. That's it! --Ghost
April 15, 2001
There's a lot of new stuff going down on this update, and seeing it's only 5 days from my previous update tells you that my summer's really boring. :P There are 13 new artworks in the drawings page, 6 of them are guest works and the others are done by me. Also, I renamed "Disturbing" to "Different".
There are also some new stuff in the Stored Files section, some of which you guys might be interested in (like GHOST AND TRASK and QUAKE 3 desktop icons). Updates during this date are in yellow, if this keeps up my webpage will look more colorful than Ronald McDonald's underwear! ^_^ --Ghost
April 10, 2001
I added some new stuff to the Misc. Info section, and there are some new stuff (2 regular, 1 hentai, 3 comics) in the drawings section. I also fixed up some of the images, they now work well up to 1024 x 768 resolution.
Also, regarding the sk series of drawings, the character has a name now... he's now known as Serakusa. Go take a look at the new sk drawing in the drawings section (sk5.jpg), I'm sure you guys would like it. And one more thing, updates during this date are in red. ^_^ --Ghost
March 19, 2001
5 new sketches in the Drawings page, one is open for all viewers but the other 4 are classified under "Disturbing". Homophobics, stay away! :P --Ghost
I had mistakenly wrote the wrong date on the page. I marked it as March 25 instead of March 19, sorry for the confusion. ^^;; Also, removed the funny stuff from Quick Fixes. That's it!
March 11, 2001
There are 6 new strips of those 2 characters I was talking about last update. You can go check them out at the Drawings page. Darn, maybe someday I can make a book out of those characters! ^_^ --Ghost
February 23, 2001
There's a couple of newly uploaded drawings in Drawings, plus a new section within the page. Under the new section are 2 short strips of a couple of characters I came up with. Take a look, you might find them cute! ^_^ --Ghost
February 08, 2001
Added some game commands in the Quick Fixes section, namely stuff on how to speed up Quake 3 and a couple of well-known HL:CS commands. :P Oh yah, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to fellow artist and clanmate TK. May you have many more birthdays to cum! ^_^ --Ghost
January 24, 2001
A couple of new drawings up at the drawings section, one of them is a poor scan though cause I drew it on a scrap piece of paper. ^^;; Anyways, it's still viewable so hope you like it! ^_^ --Ghost
Uploaded a short Quake 3 demo and a config file in Stored Files section
January 20, 2001
Finished the "Old Art" section, you can reach this page by clicking on the Drawings link then look under the Drawings tab for the link. Or just click here. Plus, 3 new drawings in the drawings section. That's about it! ^_^ --Ghost
November 12, 2000
Another art update! 4 new artworks up in the drawings section, one of them by a friend and the others by me. Also, a bit of ranting on the news page. Also, for some interesting reading, click here to read more about the jpop music phenomenon, Tetsuya Komuro. ^_^ Damn I'm feeling lazy these days... ^^;; --Ghost
October 25, 2000
There's a whole lot of new art up at the drawings section, 3 by friends (including the shamuneko mentioned last update) and 5 by me. Go take a look! ^_^ --Ghost
October 3, 2000
Not much of an update, just changed the page name from "Misc. Tidbits" to "Misc. Info". Hmm, guess I gotta give you guys something new to see right? Here's a real nice drawing by a classmate of mine, click here to view! --Ghost
October 3, 2000
Uploaded a new story, just check it out at the Writings section. It's a bit on the serious side, but I hope you guys will take some time to read it! For more interesting reading, here's one I got from the email. It has something to do with what tree you fell from. Read it here. --Ghost
September 17, 2000
I have a couple of new drawings up at... where else?... the drawings section, so take a look! I also fixed up the About Ghost section, I added a new question there regarding my handles on and off the net. That's bout it, hope you like it! ^_^
September 5, 2000
This isn't an update at all, quite the opposite actually. I found one of my drawings rather annoying, so I decided to take it down. Don't worry, I don't think anyone will miss it. Anyways, I ran some filters through an edited dragon drawing, and came up with something pretty cool. As in literally cool. Well, looks cold anyways. Take a look at it here.
September 2, 2000
New index page up! You can take a look at it right here. Sure it's plain looking, but at least it's an alternative to the linkless dummy page I had before ^_^
Also, I transfered some CCG fanfiction from the HAH onto this site. You can find those in the Writings page. Happy reading! ^_^
August 31, 2000
Just opened the site up, the main sections are now complete. Only the News page and the Writings page are empty, but these will be filled up soon. Enjoy the site! :)